Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques (NAET) is an alternative therapy approach developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad in the late 1980s. The technique is based on the premise that allergies and sensitivities are caused by energy blockages in the body's energy pathways, known as meridians. NAET combines principles from traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, kinesiology, and nutritional science to address these energy blockages and alleviate allergies and sensitivities.
The core idea behind NAET is that allergies and sensitivities can lead to a variety of health issues, ranging from mild discomfort to more serious chronic conditions. By identifying and treating these allergies, NAET aims to restore the body's natural balance and eliminate symptoms. The technique involves a combination of muscle testing, acupressure, and dietary restrictions.
Here's an overview of the general process involved in Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques:
Allergy Testing: NAET practitioners use muscle testing (also known as applied kinesiology) to identify substances that the patient may be allergic or sensitive to. This testing can include various foods, environmental allergens, and other substances.
Desensitization: Once an allergen is identified, the practitioner applies acupressure or acupuncture to specific points on the patient's body. This is believed to help balance the body's energy pathways and reduce the body's adverse reactions to the allergen.
Avoidance Period: After the desensitization process, the patient is advised to avoid the identified allergen for a specific period, usually 25 hours. During this time, the body is thought to reset its response to the allergen.
Reintroduction: After the avoidance period, the patient may be retested to determine if the allergen has been successfully eliminated. If the allergen is no longer causing an adverse reaction, the patient is usually instructed on how to reintroduce the previously problematic substance back into their diet or environment.
It's important to note that while some people claim positive outcomes from NAET, the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited and often controversial. The underlying concepts of energy blockages and the mechanisms proposed by NAET are not widely accepted by the mainstream medical community. As with many alternative therapies, individual experiences with NAET can vary, and it's recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before pursuing any alternative treatment.
If you're considering NAET or any other alternative therapy, it's a good idea to discuss your options with a medical doctor or healthcare provider to ensure you make informed decisions about your health and well-being.